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About Cookies

  1. What are website cookies?

  2. Website cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or device when you visit a website. They serve various purposes, such as enhancing your browsing experience and providing website owners with information about user behavior.
  3. Why are cookies used on websites?

  4. Cookies are used for a range of purposes, including:
    • Authentication: Cookies can help remember your login status, making it more convenient for you to access your account.
    • Personalization: They can remember your preferences and settings, tailoring your experience to your needs.
    • Analytics: Cookies help website owners understand how users interact with their site, allowing them to improve its performance and content.
    • Advertising: Some cookies are used to deliver targeted ads based on your interests and behavior.

    Are cookies harmful to my computer or privacy?

    Generally, cookies themselves are not harmful. However, they can potentially be exploited if used by malicious websites. In terms of privacy, cookies can store some user data, but reputable websites typically use them responsibly and in compliance with privacy regulations.
  5. How can I manage or delete cookies?

  6. Altough process varies from browser to bowser, all mainstream bowsers allows users to manage or delete cookies in the web browser settings. Most browsers allow you to:
    • Clear all cookies: This removes all cookies stored on your device.
    • Block cookies: You can prevent websites from storing cookies on your device.
    • Manage cookies per site: Some browsers enable you to allow or block cookies on a per-site basis.

    Do I have to accept cookies when visiting websites?

    No, you are not obligated to accept cookies. Many websites offer an option to decline or manage cookies. However, some essential cookies may be required for certain website features to function properly. Be advised that PerfumeGold UK will place essential cookies on your device as they are required for correct functinality of our site. If you do not want or block cookies from PerfumeGold UK, we may not be able serve you correctly.
  7. How can I learn more about a website's cookie usage?

  8. Most websites provide a "Cookie Policy" or "Privacy Policy" page where you can find detailed information about the types of cookies used, their purposes, and how your data is handled. You can also often find this information in the website's terms and conditions. Please visit Privacy Policy learn more, also please read our terms of usage (tou).
  9. Are there any regulations governing the use of cookies?

  10. Yes, various privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States, require websites to inform users about cookie usage and obtain their consent where applicable.
  11. Can I opt out of tracking cookies?

  12. Yes, you can often opt out of tracking cookies through tools provided by advertisers and third-party services. Additionally, you can adjust your browser settings to limit or block tracking cookies. As mentioned in point 3 above, all cookies are required on PerfumeGold UK web site. You may use your browser setting or third-party software to block cookies from our site, however, such action may result in a non-functional website being presented as well as prevent your from ordering, registering for services or login in for account management etc.
  13. How long do cookies typically stay on my device?

  14. The lifespan of cookies varies. Some are session cookies and expire when you close your browser, while others can persist for days, months, or even years, depending on their purpose and settings.
  15. Do you use cookies on your website?

  16. - Yes, we use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for detailed information about the cookies we use and their purposes.
We hope these FAQs have provided you with a better understanding of website cookies. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Privacy & Cookies
We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience, show personalised product recommendations, services and contents, and analyse our site usage data. Your privacy is important to us and kindly review our privacy policy and site usage policy. To learn more about cookies, please see our cookie policy.